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英文Paper 3A Listening


相信大家都知道Paper 3是DSE英文科中佔分最重的一份卷,佔全科30%分數,隨時幫同學升1-2個grade!

不少同學都把溫習重點側重於Paper 3B,即Integrated Skills的部分,但其實Part A的重要性同時不容小覷,因為兩者佔分一樣,在較簡單的Part A拿1分是比在Part B拿1分來得容易


而就算是底子好的同學,也有可能因為一些「以為自己會卻不會」的簡單詞彙而失分,更加會在Task 3和Task 4誤中考評局陷阱


  • 試前準備
  • 從根底有效提升聆聽能力的方法
  • 「未聽先知」:如何準確預測答案出現位置
  • 各Tasks準備方向
  • 考前不能不知:聆聽必背誦詞彙
  • 實戰分析
  • Paper 3 Part A完整版Mock卷(連聆聽錄音Sound Track)

Course Curriculum

免費筆記Sample下載 FREE 00:00:00
完整版筆記 + Mock卷下載(連聆聽錄音Sound Track)
完整版筆記下載 00:00:00
Mock卷下載(連聆聽錄音Sound Track) 00:00:00
0. Introduction
0. Introduction 00:04:00
1. 試前準備
1. 試前準備 00:04:00
2. 從根底有效提升聆聽能力的方法
2. 從根底有效提升聆聽能力的方法 00:08:30
3.「未聽先知」:如何準確預測答案出現位置 00:21:48
4. 各Tasks準備方向
4. 各Tasks準備方向 00:11:54
5. 考前不能不知:聆聽必背誦詞彙
5. 考前不能不知:聆聽必背誦詞彙 00:29:36
6. 實戰分析
6. Task 1 Analysis 00:31:42
Task 2 Analysis 00:17:18
Task 3 Analysis 00:32:42
Task 4 Analysis 00:25:06
7. Conclusion
7. Conclusion 00:02:42
如何獲取額外筆記?How to Get Bonus Notes?
如何獲取額外筆記?How to Get Bonus Notes? 00:00:00

Course Reviews


17 ratings
  • 5 stars14
  • 4 stars2
  • 3 stars1
  • 2 stars0
  • 1 stars0
  1. 5

    講解得幾清晰 最好用系背誦列表

  2. 5

    課程提醒了不少理應基本但我們考生容易忽略的點, 令我考DSE時信心增加, 謝謝Melody

  3. 聆聽急救Mock卷衝刺班(3小時攻陷Paper 3 Part A)


    It is nothing but an useful and wonderful listening course,especiallay for some weaker 2020 dser in listening part like me.It is hoped that this course also can help other students greatly! and have a desirable English achievement !

  4. 4

    簡潔易名, 而且只系3個鐘就可以上完, 勾返起paper 3最緊要既野同skills, 美中不足系得一份mock, 如果比多幾份練習會更好

  5. 5


  6. Both listening attitude and aptitude can be improved through this course!


    “Listen with curiosity………
    According to the Author Roy T. Bennett, who wrote “The Light in the Heart”, “Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity. The greatest problem with communication is we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply. When we listen with curiosity, we don’t listen with the intent to reply. We listen for what’s behind the words.”
    I believe this video course could refresh your mind in doing the revision of HKDSE, it really helps us to understand the key wordings. It also facilitate us to listen with the intent to predict the wordings that will come out. At the same time, the strategies provided can simplify the process of writing keywords on the paper, and there are several tips on avoiding mistakes and traps. It’s marvelous to me! Add oil! Catching the stars now!

  7. 技巧10分良好


    可以令到我哋中六同學係短時間裏邊,透過呢三個鐘嘅補習輕鬆獲得paper 3嘅考試技巧. 我覺得呢個課程無論中四至中六都好適合, 因為中四中五可以打好根基,而中六可以快速保底

  8. Great course


    Teacher reminded me what I need to do in order to gain more points in a listening exam.i only had few ideas to prepare for listening in the past.I gain more confidence when doing paper 3.This course helps me a lot.

  9. 3


  10. 5


  11. in Melody I trust!! 超級勁爆正既課程!!!


    完全感受到Melody真係好用心整呢D精讀… 佢真係完完整整地分享哂點樣先考到高分DSE… 英文科我係成個PACKAGE咁買因為我個人係覺得正係讀其中一個PAPER既精讀係唔夠… 中文科同英文科我都係成個PACKAGE咁買,完全無後悔!!! 兩個月就讀哂兩科!!

  12. Excellent


    HKDSE英文:聆聽急救Mock卷衝刺班(3小時攻陷Paper 3 Part A)is a very comprehensive review of the listening part. It enables me to listen to the audio more effectively and not be nervous when I finish paper 3 Part A in the future. It is well worth the money. It is highly recommended for those who are not very familiar with the skills for paper 3 Part A.

  13. 推薦大家


    個課程幾適合好似我呢種底唔好的人 講解的好清晰 簡單明了 發現左好多自己平時忽略的小地方
    期望呢個課程都可以幫助到其他人啦 美中不足的是畫質有點模糊

  14. S6衝刺



  15. 非常有用


    每個部份都講得好清楚同埋仔細 份notes超有用 聽完之後對自己有返啲自信 不過畫質方面可以清楚少少 啲位比較難去睇度 個人感覺都係幾值得上 最後thx Miss Tam

  16. About paper 3 listening part A


    This course includes some remind and some useful vocab appears in the recording. Also, it includes some common mistakes made by students and it helps me to pay more attention to them. It is helpful for me to have a quick review before the listening exam.

  17. NICE !


    This course is helpful for a 2022 DSEer ! Melody has explained a lot of skills that can be applied in our listening Paper 3 Part A! For instance, the skills of locating answers in the soundtrack catch them by focusing on the connectives and fillers. Also, speedily jotting notes is helpful in Task one to four! Thank you!


Course Reviews

  • 英文補底救星:極速記憶生詞教學 (5小時)

    我對vocab 極速記憶教學的評語 5

    這個課程真的好有用,Melody 教了好多常見的英文字頭,字根和字尾的意思,幫助我做閲讀卷時看到陌生的詞語也可以㺓到它的意思,盡量拿高分!
  • HKDSE中文:論說文急救精讀 (2小時)

    例子十分多元化 5

    Carmen Wong1001
  • HKDSE中文:必備全卷精讀攻略 (2.5小時)

    這個課程非常有用! 4

  • HKDSE英文:5**議論文必殺皇牌精讀 (6小時)

    Perfect! 5

    It's such a useful video and notes. My writing skills increase a lot. She teaches useful vocab and well-planned writing structure. However, I think the color of highlighting can be lighter. It’s difficult to read the words. Generally speaking, it’s still a great notes!
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