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【2021更新版 – Part 2包含最新熱門題型練習及分析】


系統性攻陷短答題型 · 長答題型的滿分秘密 · 像真度極高Mock卷

狀元Melody Tam已經為同學系統性分析所有常見的閱讀題型,創出一系列神技極速攻陷8種主要短答題型,再披露長答題型的滿分秘密,無論底子好、底子差,都必定在此精讀找到有用的地方!

註:請先完成Part 1課程

目錄(Part 1涵蓋Section 0 – Section 3.4;Part 2涵蓋Section 3.5 – Section 5

0. 模擬試卷 (Part A + Part B2)

0.1 模擬試卷:Reading Passage

0.2 模擬試卷:Question Answer Book

0.3 模擬試卷:Marking Scheme


  1. 開始做卷前須知

1.1 B1 VS B2

1.2 做卷步驟及思維

1.3 時間分配及控制


  1. 找答案基本原則

2.1 關鍵詞原則

2.2 如何locate關鍵詞


  1. 短答題型攻略

3.1 True/ False/ Not Given邏輯三選一題

3.2 MC選擇題

3.3 Summary Cloze填充題

3.4 Pronoun代詞題

3.5 Word Meaning字詞意思題

3.6 Matching配對題

3.7 Tone語氣題

3.8 Main Idea/ Purpose目的/主旨題

【新】3.9 Summary Correction總結校對題


  1. 長題目題型攻略

4.1 肯定可以直接抄的題目類型




  1. 附錄

5.1 三十組常見同義詞

Course Curriculum

免費試讀 + 筆記Sample下載
免費試讀 + 筆記Sample下載 FREE 00:00:00
0. 完整版筆記下載
完整版筆記下載 00:00:00
3. 短答題型攻略 (3.5 - 3.8)
3.5 Word Meaning 字詞意思題 – Part 1 00:31:48
3.5 Word Meaning 字詞意思題 – Part 2 00:14:30
3.6 Matching 配對題 – Part 1 00:10:12
3.6 Matching 配對題 – Part 2 00:36:30
3.7 Tone 語氣題 – Part 1 00:10:12
3.7 Tone 語氣題 – Part 2 00:06:30
3.8 Main Idea & Purpose 目的主旨題 – Part 1 00:29:06
3.8 Main Idea & Purpose 目的主旨題 – Part 2 00:15:30
【新題型】3.9 Summary Correction總結校對題 01:12:00
4. 長題目題型攻略
4.1 肯定可以直接抄的題目類型 00:34:06
4.2 須經過判斷才知道可否直接抄的題目類型 – Part 1 00:36:12
4.2 須經過判斷才知道可否直接抄的題目類型 – Part 2 00:03:00
4.3 一定不能直抄的題目類型 00:12:30
5. 附錄
5. 附錄 00:04:24
6. Conclusion
6. Conclusion 00:03:42
額外筆記 Bonus Notes
領取額外筆記指引 How to Get Bonus Notes? 00:00:00

Course Reviews


18 ratings
  • 5 stars11
  • 4 stars7
  • 3 stars0
  • 2 stars0
  • 1 stars0
  1. Clear explanation


    Very clear explanation on long question types and useful for getting the “easy” marks
    Helpful for dse reading, thanks melody

  2. good course


    長答題果度解決咗我一直以來既疑惑!!! 之前一直都吳知點應付, 多謝你講得好清楚, 會即刻用past paper試下你套方法xddd

  3. 必備全卷精讀攻略


    英文閱讀練習幫助好大 講解清晰易明 相信幾適合用來考試

  4. 5

    The course provided us with tactics in order to locate the answers correctly even if you do not understand the passage. I think it is really useful and i have certainly improved in my reading exam, it is definitely worth to take the course!

  5. A Marvelous Course


    The skills are easy to understand, and the questions are well set. It can be seen that Melody has spared no effort in preparing the materials for the course. The only thing that can be improved is that there are too many things to write in the ‘Answering Techniques’ Column. If Melody can turn the long wordings to concise and precise points, it will be more user-friendly.

  6. 5

    Very detailed analysis on different question types and useful skills in answering questions, after watching all the videos, I realized that I have spent too much time on reading the passages before. Now, I can attempt the questions in an effective way.

  7. Review of reading course part b


    A lot of useful skills for answering different types of questions . A lot of good reminders for how to choose the correct ans , especially for mc , matching , questions about main idea and purpose , so I can ans those questions more accurately and quickly .

  8. 4


  9. 4


  10. 5

    講得好詳細 而且教學方式都好人性化 可以邊睇邊做mock題 學完啲技巧可以即時嘗試實踐 睇完之後真係對reading多左唔少信心

  11. 短答題型攻略



  12. Good



  13. 5




    The skills that Melody taught is very special, Long Question is one of the most difficult parts that I always score low on it. This course certainly helps me a lot in my reading paper. Detailed analysis of the DSE question types.Clear explanation on each type of question.Fair price too.Thx!

  15. 4

    She can truly understand the feeling of each exam-taker and map out a manifold path (not only the techniques but also the attitude facing them) for us. Thanks to her advice, my confidence has now been bolstered. Yet, I would say it would be appreciated if she can provide some distinguished work in the exams for reference like the second-last part- 4.3 which is the most perplexing parts.

  16. DSE Reading course review


    The course is very useful. The content is organized systematically. The instructor looked poised, cheerful and professional and was able to deliver the course in an interesting way. I recommend it to everyone who wants to achieve good result in the HKDSE English exam.

  17. 課程實用



  18. DSE reading part2


    Very well explaination to tackle long question,it really helps me effectively.Especially,the part of proofreading,it helps me to build up the concept,rather looking for common mistakes


Course Reviews

  • 英文補底救星:極速記憶生詞教學 (5小時)

    我對vocab 極速記憶教學的評語 5

    這個課程真的好有用,Melody 教了好多常見的英文字頭,字根和字尾的意思,幫助我做閲讀卷時看到陌生的詞語也可以㺓到它的意思,盡量拿高分!
  • HKDSE中文:論說文急救精讀 (2小時)

    例子十分多元化 5

    Carmen Wong1001
  • HKDSE中文:必備全卷精讀攻略 (2.5小時)

    這個課程非常有用! 4

  • HKDSE英文:5**議論文必殺皇牌精讀 (6小時)

    Perfect! 5

    It's such a useful video and notes. My writing skills increase a lot. She teaches useful vocab and well-planned writing structure. However, I think the color of highlighting can be lighter. It’s difficult to read the words. Generally speaking, it’s still a great notes!
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