- 高分祕技checklist,必背特別主題句sentence structure,入場前已經準備勇奪Language及Organization分
- 極速用5**公式砌出完美開頭同結尾,節省大量時間之餘又可以輕鬆取得考官好印象
- 明明唔係無 points,但唔識得拓展個 idea?記住 RICE 口訣,超輕鬆吹水法!再加獨創11式駁論絕技,中英通均適用,唔再怕作任何議論型文章!
- 5**狀元親撰多篇範文,詳細分析高分要訣,示範點將所有教過嘅skills應用得淋漓盡致!再教大量高分必備vocab同系統記同義詞嘅方法,Language更上一層樓!
1. Secret Tips for Scoring High in Language & Organization
【高分祕技checklist,必背特別主題句sentence structure,入場前已經準備勇奪Language及Organization分】
1.1 Language & Organization Elements Checklist
1.2 Special Structures for Topic Sentence
1.3 Special Structures for Concluding Sentence
2. 5** Formulae for Introduction and Conclusion of an Argumentative Essay
2.1 Elements of an Introduction (照單執藥,for stronger candidates)
2.2 Introduction Sample
2.3 Introduction Template (For weaker candidates)
2.4 Introduction Sample (For weaker candidates)
2.5 Elements of a Conclusion
2.6 Conclusion Sample
3. Expanding Ideas and Rebuttal Skills
【明明唔係無 points,但唔識得拓展個 idea?記住 RICE 口訣,超輕鬆吹水法!再加獨創11式駁論絕技,中英通均適用,唔再怕作任何議論型文章!】
3.1 How to Expand Your Points
3.2 Eleven Easy Ways to Make Convincing Rebuttals + Examples
3.3 Further Examples illustrating rebuttal skills
4. Sample Essays and Vocabulary Analysis
4.1 2015 DSE Writing Script [Part A] (40/42)
4.2 2015 DSE Writing Script [Part B] (Q.4) (41/42)
4.3 2018 DSE Writing Essay [Part B]
4.4 2014 DSE Writing Essay [Part A]
4.5 Learning English through Poems and Songs Essay
4.6 Learning English through Social Issues Essay
Course Curriculum
免費試讀 + 筆記Sample下載 | |||
免費試讀 + Sample下載 | FREE | 00:10:00 | |
完整版筆記下載 | |||
完整版筆記下載 | 00:00:00 | ||
0. Introduction | 00:04:00 | ||
1. Secret Tips for Scoring High in Language & Organization | |||
1.1 Language & Organization Elements Checklist | 00:17:00 | ||
1.2 and 1.3 Special Structures for Topic Sentence and Concluding Sentence | 00:11:00 | ||
2. 5** Formulae for Introduction and Conclusion of an Argumentative Essay | |||
2.1 and 2.2 Elements of an Introduction and Samples | 00:14:18 | ||
2.3 and 2.4 Introduction Template for Weaker Candidates and Samples | 00:14:00 | ||
2.5 and 2.6 Elements of a Conclusion and Samples | 00:10:00 | ||
3. Expanding Ideas and Rebuttal Skills | |||
3.1 How to Expand your Ideas | 00:26:00 | ||
3.2 Eleven Easy Ways to Make Convincing Rebuttals + Examples | 00:53:30 | ||
4. Sample Essays and Vocabulary Analysis | |||
4.1 2015 DSE Writing Script [Part A] | 00:34:18 | ||
4.2 2015 DSE Writing Script [Part B] | 00:53:18 | ||
4.3 2018 DSE Writing Essay [Part B] | 00:25:00 | ||
4.4 2014 DSE Writing Essay (Part A) | 00:33:00 | ||
4.5 Learning English through Poems and Songs Essay | 00:11:00 | ||
4.6 Learning English Through Social Issues Essay | 00:35:00 | ||
額外筆記 | |||
指引 | 00:00:00 |
It’s such a useful video and notes. My writing skills increase a lot. She teaches useful vocab and well-planned writing structure. However, I think the color of highlighting can be lighter. It’s difficult to read the words. Generally speaking, it’s still a great notes!
想比埋好評呢邊, 雖然額外bonus notes都系同一份
個course雖然貴過出邊一期補習少少, 但真系唔拖時間, 好中意你教得好有條理, 我真系可以跟住你d steps砌篇文出離, 同埋有好多範文參考, 令我真系知道點apply d skills
真心好過出邊所謂名師, 建議大家可以試試!!!
本身好猶豫買五買,因為都五平,但出面補習依加都7百幾一期,就覺得試試Melody呢個course都無妨。結果我係選擇正確的,Melody教得好清晰,同埋全部有跟例子,好容易明d skills,學校作文跟左你方法之後高分左。不過希望可以整淺d highlighter顏色,而家有小小遮左d字。
Effective and clear
Great course! I was pretty suspicious about the effectiveness of the course at first, because I never tried online classes before, but am not regret applying for this course! Though my eng level is not top, I can still easily follow the skills and saw immediate improvement in my score after apploying your skills. Good and I will look at your other courses as well!!
Very useful and intensive notes
Very useful and intensive notes, really like the way how it is structured. Skills are practical and Melody shows clearly how you can apply them to real questions. Also really like the vocab analysis part but will be better if more can be provided. Overall not bad and 6 hours well spent!
HKDSE英文:5**議論文必殺皇牌精讀 (6小時)
Love the rebuttal part
果然係皇牌課程~ 其實你未有呢個網站果陣我已經買過你其他科筆記 今次已經中六見到你writing出左course就報左名 rebuttal skills之前未見過 口訣好有用 可以順便溫埋通識
內容不但豐富而且實用,實用價值較高 ,可短時間內提升,親測有效,第一次用skills 校內成績猛然上升,很用心。
老師您好 最鐘意您教elaboration果度因為其他科都用到 幫我解決左五少疑慮 good!
Concise and exam-orientated
The learning materials are concise and exam-orientated which enable me to boost up my writing level in a short time.
Examples are clear and easy to follow. With variety of examples and templates, the course is suitable for students with different English levels. Highly recommended for all of you 🙂
好多高分必背 sentence structures
日校老師只會叫學生下次再寫好d丶grammar唔好丶language奇怪, 但其實作為學生好無奈, 都唔知自己錯乜….最搞笑係會要我地騰文, 即係將篇文連teacher’s marking抄一次比佢, 做完都係唔識, 錯完又錯好氣餒, 但宜家睇完條video之後好左好多!至少有方向去改善自己既英文! 多謝Melody~
The skill taught my melody is really useful . She can help both weaknesses and captable student . Before I haven’t learn what is rebuttal and how to write it . After having this lesson , my concept is more clear and know more direction to write. Also her way to remember is useful too .
It’s an amazing course
Thank you Melody for publishing this course. It greatly helped with my writing especially at this time of crisis.
I find this course extremely useful! The content is well-organised, and i can revise the notes efficiently and systematically. My structure of my writing palpably improved after watching these videos, and i can often use the structure in my composition, enhancing my language, content and organisation skills. I do recommend this course to other students of all levels . One thing is that the course would be impeccable if it can last longer, so there will be longer time for students to work on it. Hope that my review is helpful.
Melody筆記內容精準, 講解清淅, 詳略得宜, 完全切合考生所遇到的難點, 逐一分柝講解
所有重點都濃縮喺6小時嘅影片同66頁嘅notes, 有唔同招數, 全方面針對性咁提升文章嘅水平, 加上有例子加以解釋, 清晰易明, 絕對有助可以短時間內升grade, 性價比極高
review on the content
The content is very beneficial as well as fruitful-broadening my horizon and boost my understanding of hkdse English writing. As for the organization and language which is actually my biggest weakness in English writing, the video does inspire a lot. Although I haven’t finished the whole course, I truly believe that my English writing can be improved with the help of the video and the outstanding note.
教好多high frequency嘅用到嘅字同句構, 唔怕冇point寫, 拓展得好詳細,跟住寫寫多幾次就應該會好熟
The complex sentence structures and widely applicable topic sentences and concluding sentences are really helpful! This course enhanced my english writing skills and is totally worth our time! Thank you Ms. Tam for preparing such a useful course for us! Totally recommend this course to all DSE takers!
抽絲剝繭,將所有重點都濃縮喺6小時嘅影片入面。當中亦有唔同招數, 全方面針對性咁提升文章嘅水平,。又會講d常用字嘅同義詞同埋同義詞之間細微嘅唔同。
HKDSE英文:5**議論文必殺皇牌精讀 (6小時) 推介~
Very exam-oriented with a lot of mnemonics so that we can have a better grasp of the skills. Clear explanation with many examples to show us how to apply the skills. Highly recommended for those who would like to write argumentative essays in the HKDSE. Wish you all good luck:)