【2025更新版 – Part 1包括長難句分析;Part 2包含最新熱門題型練習及分析】
系統性攻陷短答題型 · 長答題型的滿分秘密 · 像真度極高Mock卷
狀元Melody Tam已經為同學系統性分析所有常見的閱讀題型,創出一系列神技極速攻陷8種主要短答題型,再披露長答題型的滿分秘密,無論底子好、底子差,都必定在此精讀找到有用的地方!
目錄(Part 1涵蓋Section 0 – Section 3.4;Part 2涵蓋Section 3.5 – Section 5)
0. 模擬試卷 (Part A + Part B2)
0.1 模擬試卷:Reading Passage
0.2 模擬試卷:Question Answer Book
0.3 模擬試卷:Marking Scheme
- 開始做卷前須知
1.1 B1 VS B2
1.2 做卷步驟及思維
1.3 時間分配及控制
- 找答案基本原則
2.1 關鍵詞原則
2.2 如何locate關鍵詞
【新】2+: 長難句拆解思維
- 短答題型攻略
3.1 True/ False/ Not Given邏輯三選一題
3.2 MC選擇題
3.3 Summary Cloze填充題
3.4 Pronoun代詞題
3.5 Word Meaning字詞意思題
3.6 Matching配對題
3.7 Tone語氣題
3.8 Main Idea/ Purpose目的/主旨題
【新】3.9 Summary Correction總結校對題
- 長題目題型攻略
4.1 肯定可以直接抄的題目類型
- 附錄
5.1 三十組常見同義詞
Course Curriculum
免費試讀 + 筆記Sample下載 | |||
免費試讀 + 筆記Sample下載 | FREE | 00:00:00 | |
0. 完整版筆記下載 + 模擬試卷 (Part A + Part B2) | |||
0.0 完整版筆記下載 | 00:00:00 | ||
0.1 模擬試卷:Reading Passage | 00:00:00 | ||
0.2 模擬試卷:Question Answer Book | 00:00:00 | ||
0.3 模擬試卷:Marking Scheme | 00:00:00 | ||
1. 開始做卷前須知 | |||
1.1 B1 VS B2 | 00:11:48 | ||
1.2 做卷步驟及思維 | 00:10:12 | ||
1.3 時間分配及控制 | 00:04:12 | ||
2. 找答案基本原則 | |||
2. 找答案基本原則 | 00:20:18 | ||
2+. 長難句拆解及實例分析 | |||
2+. 長難句拆解及實例分析 | 00:00:00 | ||
3. 短答題型攻略 (3.1 - 3.4) | |||
3.1 True False Not Given邏輯三選一題 – Part 1 | 00:30:00 | ||
3.1 True False Not Given邏輯三選一題 – Part 2 | 00:36:18 | ||
3.2 MC選擇題 – Part 1 | 00:08:11 | ||
3.2 MC選擇題 – Part 2 | 00:34:42 | ||
3.2 MC選擇題 – Part 3 | 00:19:48 | ||
3.3 Summary Cloze填充題 | 00:35:48 | ||
3.4 Pronoun 代詞題 – Part 1 | 00:28:30 | ||
3.4 Pronoun 代詞題 – Part 2 | 00:07:36 | ||
額外筆記 Bonus Notes | |||
領取額外筆記指引 How to Get Bonus Notes? | 00:00:00 |
Course Reviews
Good course!!!
期待咗超級耐 <3 多謝Melody出呢個甘有用ge精讀比我地
題型分得好清楚 skill都表達得好清晰
如果可以再平D就好(我單獨買咗part 1先 如果part 2唔駛買組合都有折就好)
整體都好好!! 希望可以出多幾份mock卷 <3
Thanks Melody
Thanks Melody for making such a useful course for DSE students. I was suspicious about the course because I am targeting at level 5*-5** so I think I may not need the skills to ace the exam, but you reminded me there are “traps” set by HKEAA. I am now even more confident in obtaining a good score in paper 1.
The reading skill is very easy to understand.
哩個reading course真係好容易理解,同埋d skill都好清晰,唔洗左諗右諗,直接應用到係past paper 度,上完堂對reading 既擔心都少左好多??
非常有用的課程! 非常感謝melody教授了很多有用的技考 , 本來我是不懂英文的考試技巧, 上完課程後 掌握了不同的方法
A great course
The skills are useful
A review of Reading intensive courses
In terms of clarity, it provides me with fairly straightforward handwriting and notes, which is precise and concise, and it dispels the myth of different reading text types including True/False/Not Given and Referencing.
By leveraging these skills in Reading, I am astonished to discover that my process of answering the questions appears to be incredibly efficient and time-saving, where enables me to finish it without a doubt!
It is hoped that I could get into the Faculty of Arts of English Department at the University of Hong Kong next year utilizing Miss Tam’s courses. That said, I should also spare no effort ruminating over Past Papers myself since that many a mickle makes a muckle. Accumulating is of paramount importance in English, nobody else could excel in languages suddenly.
Briefly, Her courses are trust-worthy for me and I hope all DSE candidates getting a satisfactory result with diligence and perseverance. Obtaining 5** in the near future > <
Students aim high
Useful skills
This reading course encompasses an array of skills which is nicely categorised into different types. Each skill set is demonstrated with the use of mock paper and emphasised with detailed explanation. That said, combining part 1 and 2 will be more user-friendly.
well-organised and teach many useful skills for English paper 1.
呢個課程好有用,有好多唔同嘅skills,對英文paper 1好有幫助
A Marvelous Course
The first part of the reading course covers mainly some general tips on doing Paper 1 as well as skills for answering short questions. The skills are truly useful when doing past papers. The skills on tackling T/F/NG as well as MCs are especially handy to me. Thanks Melody for having prepared such a marvelous course for us!!!
Review of reading course part 1
a lot of useful skills to answering different types of question , so I can answer those questions more easily, quickly and accurately . However there is some mistakes about the questions , like MC Part B2 Q27, the ans is C , but the ans of analysis is D ( wrong array )
skills 令我找答案快好多
以前做卷成日做唔完就夠鐘停筆,有skills 後改善做好多,可以locate keyword 去找answer, 英文底差的同學更加要上啊
對true/false/not given 嘅definition有好詳細嘅解釋,對於底子差或者好嘅同學都有得益,集中介紹快速搵答案嘅skills,好實用!
內容和技巧豐富實用,實用價值較高 ,mock卷很用心,實測有效,第一次用skills便能更有效管制時間,改善超時問題。
Each question type is explained in a well-organized way.
Can take care of different levels of students.
Enough demo questions for each section.
But too much copying work is required.
And the price should be slightly lower to become more affordable.
個course入面解釋得好清楚好仔細, 會針對每個題型嘅得分位同伏位等等, 無論個底好定差, 都可以幫助升grade
已Finish Course,真心推薦,增強咗我考試信心。
I think it is a suitable course for students that have a fair English standard. There are lots of useful exam skills that you cannot learn from your school English teacher. Especially the techniques of doing MC questions.Thanks to Melody for preparing such great English notes.Thanks a lot!
I did not know how to do reading before. (I did not know any reading skills). This course has taught me how to paper 1 step by step.And the skills of this course are very useful. Now,I feel more confident about doing paper1. This course is worthy!!
quite nice
easy to follow and explanation is clear. More examples would be nice
Clear techniques
I like Melody’s note that she pays an arduous effort in designing some practical tactics and skills to locate answers. But still, I reckon the course may not be helpful to those with relatively low English levels, like level 1 or 2, as they may not have the ability to link up the questions with the passage. These students may suffer from understanding most of the words in the reading articles. In my view, this course is suitable for students struggling around Level 4 to 5. Overall, Melody did an excellent job.
‘A well-organised course’
The course consists of detailed explanation of all questions. The explanation is detailed and applicable, tho the content can be further enriched by including more questions for us to try out your skills! Overall, it’s a well structured course rich in content!
很實用的reading skills
Melody對不同類型的卷一題目都有很好的建議, 有助增加做卷的速度及準確度. 好實用!
Reading skills 好實用
呢個課程令我了解到做好reading 唔一定係有高手平嘅英文知識,而係可以用到一啲skills 去解決大量問題。
DSE reading part1
This reading course really helps me to build up my confidence by using the reading skills that Melody had taught in the lesson,especially the question type of true/false/not given,now I feel my logic is so clear on tackling these question types.
Excellent course
I think the reading skills taught in this course are particularly helpful because they help me deal with long questions and true or false questions that I used to find difficult to answer. Thank you very much for the detailed teaching Melody!