- 必背百搭points:分析過往3年試題而成的濃縮精華!
- 熱門題材,年年必出,背定入考場無有怕!
- 狀元示範:如何將百搭points應用到8成題目?
- 精心部署十分鐘準備時間
- 遇上豬一般的隊友,如何化危為機?
- 小組討論祕技,擺脫生硬套語!
- 5**實戰Full Script分析
- Individual Response分析及技巧
Course Curriculum
目錄下載 | |||
免費試讀 + 目錄下載 | FREE | 00:00:00 | |
正式課程(64頁精讀筆記 + 4小時線上教學影片) | |||
完整版筆記下載 | 00:00:00 | ||
Preparation Time | 00:13:00 | ||
Group Discussion Skills | 00:32:00 | ||
How to Enrich the Content of My Speech? | 00:33:00 | ||
Omnipotent ideas – How to Apply them to Various Questions? | 01:30:00 | ||
Recent Trends and Question Types | 00:26:00 | ||
5** Full Script Analysis and Individual Response | 00:37:00 | ||
額外筆記 | |||
指引 | 00:00:00 |
Course Reviews
I really learn a lot from this course!!
It explains the strategies, sentence structures and ideas in detail. There are lots of examples too. Indeed, the content are expressed clearly and fluently which makes it easy to understand. The only thing that i think can be changed is the time limited. I think it should be cancelled as it forced me to finished it within a specified period.
Useful Note!!
The strategies, structures and ideas are clearly written. The pronunciation is great and easy to understand. It really helps me to improve my oral skills. I think it is very useful. The only thing that I would like to change is the limitation of time. I hope it can be limitless so that I can leave it and revise it later.
百搭ideas good
臨急抱佛腳先睇你教學 如果我早少少比心機就好lu 不過用左你GE技巧的確有信心左 百搭ideas幾容易get到
All-rounded Speaking Course
I must say that this course enhances my understanding in Paper 4, the omnipresent ideas can be widely applied to various topics and even other DSE subjects like L.S. or Chinese Speaking.
Very well-structured course
This course is very useful. I can tell how do I prepare for the speaking test from the very beginning. The teacher’s English pronunciation is super good and professional, which allowed me to enhance my pronunciation and intonation as well. I believe the course is suitable for all levels of students, but I do believe that if someone with a better vocabulary will get the concept much easier. Lastly, as a person who usually does debate, I appreciate that the course applied some usual concepts in debate competitions. It certainly improves the quality of our speaking content.