【版本2.0 再度升級】
完全針對學生痛點 告別盲背時代
- 未能洞悉同義詞之間的細微分別,因字典中的解釋非常相似,更不會告訴你一個字在何種語境下使用才是適合,以致應用字詞時表達意思不精確
–> Melody憑藉深厚的英文功底已經為同學在備註部分列出某組字詞所強調的意味或情感,清楚列出在正面/ 反面/ formal/ informal等情況下該使用哪些字詞,並非同學一般查字典便能查到,亦節省大量查閱細微分別的時間
- 即使分清楚字詞之間的分別,仍不懂如何應用在句子當中,文法因硬要使用較深的同義詞而錯漏百出
–> 每個字詞均設有例句,方面同學明白應用方式,節省自己逐字查例句的時間;Melody更於備註部分提醒同學使用方法,例如是特定的preposition或是及物/ 不及物動詞等,大大減少同學犯grammatical mistakes的機會
- 背誦方法雜亂無章,未能辨別哪些同義詞組別是最常運用;即使知道哪些詞組是經常使用,在同一組同義詞中亦無法選取背誦性價比最高的詞語,浪費寶貴的溫習時間
–> Melody 憑藉多年考試作文經驗,精心挑選出50組(約500個字詞)背誦性價比最高的同義詞;在每一組同義詞中,Melody亦把意思/ 使用方法類近的字詞排列在一起,有助同學系統性背誦字詞,正式告別低效率背字時代
Course Curriculum
免費試讀 | |||
免費Sample下載 | FREE | 00:00:00 | |
完整版筆記下載 | |||
完整版筆記下載 | 00:00:00 | ||
Introduction | |||
Introduction | 00:09:42 | ||
百搭常用 | |||
百搭常用(一) | 00:36:00 | ||
百搭常用(二) | 00:51:48 | ||
百搭常用(三) | 00:31:00 | ||
舉例子必用 | |||
舉例子必用 | 00:14:00 | ||
形容社會現象 | |||
形容社會現象(一) | 00:39:00 | ||
形容社會現象(二) | 00:30:00 | ||
影響 | |||
影響 | 00:33:00 | ||
解決問題 | |||
解決問題(一) | 00:38:30 | ||
解決問題(二) | 00:27:00 | ||
論點 | |||
論點 | 00:39:00 | ||
心情 | |||
心情 | 00:27:00 | ||
Conclusion | |||
Conclusion | 00:03:00 | ||
額外筆記下載 | |||
額外筆記指引 | 00:00:00 |
份得幾好好啊簡易清晰 仲有好多英文詞彙細微嘅分別Melody都可以解釋得好清楚
生字細微嘅分別都可以詳細解釋清楚 使我可易啲明白理解
I think this is useful, it can enrich my vocab bank indeed.
呢啲字全部都係我成日見到, 但又唔知點解/唔知有咩分別, Melody講得好清楚, 我覺得paper1/2/3都會遇到, 好有用!! 值得一題嘅係條片收音好好, 我補過其他網上補習, 老師把聲真係好重要, 所以melody啲片真係會令我有心機想聽落去
I find this course extremely useful! The content is well-organised, and i can revise the notes efficiently and systematically. My vocab range palpably become wider after watching these videos, and i can often use them in my composition, enhancing my language skills. I do recommend this course to other students of all levels . One thing is that the course would be impeccable if it can last longer, so there will be longer time for students to work on it. Hope that my review is helpful
It is really useful for me! I like it so much. To be honest, my English is really bad, and I don’t know how to improve it and worry a lot. After taking the course, I feel much better and more confident. I am going to take the DSE in2022. Hope I can do well and get Lv 5. Also., I will take the IELTS in the future. I believe this course does help me.
I think this course is quite useful since it helps me to memorise tons of words in an organised way. Also, the words are provided with examples to ensure that I may use the words in an appropriate way. This course is great
well organized for the preparation of writing essay
Super useful course!
This is a very helpful course! The video and the notes are concise and precise. I used to find it hard to distinguish the tiny differences between synonyms of vocabulary so I’d rather not use the synonyms provided by other online platforms to avoid wrongly using them. However, Melody’s note has gathered all the most frequently used vocabulary with important remarks. It definitely solves the problem while it also expands my vocabulary bank and therefore improves my writing! Thank you so much!
vocab 細微分別教得十分仔細
即使是同義詞,但每個英文vocab 都有細微的分別,加上配搭例子教學,以及一些記憶方法,令我們可以更容易記到voacb 以及避免日後錯誤使用vocab—例如不同語境以及formal informal的文章
這個課程十分有用,教咗好多有用嘅vocabulary and 同義詞。令到我唔需要再盲目去背啲唔清楚到底係formal同informal嘅字。而且我喺作文度唔再淨係識用increase or decrease,上咗course後我可以用更多嘅vocabulary可以用喺篇作文