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Integrated Skills應該是不少同學最害怕的一份卷,Melody作為過來人也十分明白同學的痛處,所以嘔心瀝血精心製作了像真度極高的Mock卷,並以實例分析,手把手示範給同學看如何以最快捷、最高命中率的方法完成試卷!

Melody會提供搵Points全攻略,教導同學如何靠指引信件、答題簿及關鍵詞定位,並且教導listening skills從聆聽資料獲取key points,目標百分百命中Content分!當然,內容只佔一半分數,要奪取另外一半的分數,就一定要在Language、Coherence and Organization及Appropriacy下功夫。Melody會將虛無飄渺的Marking Scheme轉化成具體的做法,讓同學以公式化方式奪取另外一半的分數。


  1. Part B1 VS Part B2迷思

1.1 可以入場看看再選擇做B1還是B2嗎?

1.2 為何一定選擇Part B2?

1.3 歷史數據分析:為何能力較差的同學仍應該嘗試B2?


  1. 做卷步驟及時間分配

2.1 做卷步驟

2.2 常見疑難雜症

2.3 具體時間分配


  1. Points全攻略

3.1 指引信件

3.2 答題簿提示

3.3 關鍵詞定位

3.4 Task 8詳細分析

3.5 Task 9詳細分析

3.6 Task 10詳細分析


  1. Language高分攻略

4.1 大致要求

4.2 概括(Generalization)

4.3 整合資料(有效串聯)

4.4 何謂有效改寫Data File

4.5 用自己文字串連多個points


  1. Coherence and Organization

5.1 大致要求

5.2 具體做法


  1. Appropriacy輕鬆滿分技巧

6.1 Situation – 代入情境

6.2 指引信件

6.3 格式Template:Letter of Reply

6.4 格式Template:Report

6.5 如何避免Data File中伏陷阱

6.6 七大方法將Data File秒速變得Formal


  1. Sample Essay範文總結

7.1 Task 8 Sample Essay

7.2 Task 9 Sample Essay

7.3 Task 10 Sample Essay


  1. 附錄:Part B2全套Mock卷(連聆聽聲帶)

8.1 Question-Answer Book

8.2 Data File

8.3 Tape-script

8.4 Marking Scheme

Course Curriculum

免費試讀影片及Sample下載 FREE 00:00:00
0. Introduction及完整版筆記下載
0. Introduction及完整版筆記下載 00:04:48
1. Part B1 VS Part B2迷思
1. Part B1 VS Part B2迷思 00:08:54
2. 做卷步驟及時間分配
2. 做卷步驟及時間分配 00:14:18
3. 搵Points全攻略
技巧總匯 00:38:42
Note-taking Sheet實戰技巧 00:44:18
手把手實戰搵points 00:55:18
Mock卷詳細分析 00:47:12
4. 上半部分總結
4. 上半部分總結 00:02:12
附錄:聆聽Sound Track
附錄:聆聽Sound Track 00:00:00
如何獲取額外筆記?How to Get Bonus Notes?
如何獲取額外筆記?How to Get Bonus Notes? 00:00:00

Course Reviews


25 ratings
  • 5 stars19
  • 4 stars4
  • 3 stars2
  • 2 stars0
  • 1 stars0
  1. Good


    今日一見到Ms. Melody出左呢個course就即刻買, 都無後悔到, 教得好過之前上過既補習社, 成日教到D skills散收收, 呢個course真系好濃縮, 岩曬我呢D應屆考生

  2. 謝謝老師 <3


    我以前integrated整天不夠時間,而且我覺得方法很亂,我覺得老師說的方法很有系統,我跟著做以後真的能在限時內完成past paper,而且中的points也比前多,謝謝老師 <3

  3. 3

    Miss Tam has strong presentation skills and systematic course planning. Nevertheless, the mock set is too heavily based on what was tested in the 2018 DSE exam.

  4. 5

    Skills幾有用 好容易get同上手 最幫到手系搵points果一part同埋overall的策略
    單買part 1有少少貴但有優惠組合就合理 至少學到野

  5. 有心



  6. Love this course so muchh!!!



  7. Meaningful lesson


    It really helps me in finding point and the mock exam is well organized. I am more confidence towards my Paper 3 exam as your skills are useful. I can really improve my results by using those skills. Add oil!

  8. Nice content


    I have always been a fan of Melody, abundant content and worthy to have a go.
    Gonna purchase more video. Keep up with the good work
    thanks for providing tutorials

  9. Can apply to PP


    呢個課程真係好正, 誠意推薦俾所有DSErs, 對於找points真係好有幫助, 可以即刻apply翻喺past paper

  10. Excellent!!!


    This course exceeds my expectation! I was very doubtful of the effectiveness of the course because I’ve been performing quite well in English and Integrated Skills is always my struggle. Melody used a very systematic way to teach and I’m now more confident in scoring high in all aspects in Paper 3. Also appreciate the effort in producing such a comprehensive mock paper!

  11. 仔細的做卷步驟教學


    上半部分課程教點處理data file,學到點樣着手做卷,唔洗手忙腳亂。同埋依家先知note-taking sheet可以撕落嚟(*゚∀゚*) 好有用!

  12. Good


    課程幫助我理解就算自己英文低子差都需要選擇B2令我考DSE時信心增加, Thank you ?

  13. Effective


    呢個課程好有效率唔同補習課程,可以自由地睇同埋講得比較細緻深入。例如細緻嘅嘢都會講埋考試嘅時間分配同埋應做的東西 support Melody!!!

  14. Nice


    Great course that I can learn some fresh skills I havent seen before, and also I have more confidence to handle this “Difficult” paper. Hope I will able to gain a higher score in paper 3 in DSE.

  15. it make me more clear to do paper 3


    原來聼listening之外,在data file揾points 都有好多地方要留意 . Melody教我如何去定位keyword和分析唔同嘅task,令我更加明白更有效率地找point

  16. useful skills



  17. 5


  18. 推薦


    我覺得條片推薦的做題skills 順序都好好啊 做題都有一個好清晰的方向知道自己每做的一步都是邊一篇文 手把手帶住分析每一步點樣落筆 分享我的看法希望對大家有幫助 唯一不太好的是畫質有點模糊

  19. 超級實用


    岩開始果時都好猶豫要唔要買尼個課程,猶豫佐一日,覺得自己paper 3麻麻地,就想來試下,點知真係超級有用,講得好詳細,只係有d後悔冇早d買,希望自己可以提高paper 3!!!

  20. Skills taught are quite useful.


    This course provides you with an overview of how to secure the content points and other general facts about Paper 3.
    The mock paper is just nearly the same as 2018 DSE Paper 3 but paraphrased. If you are familiar with note taking skills and finding content points, you probably just need to watch the second half of the course which covers other areas like formats, tone, and appropriacy.

  21. I could easily find points now!


    When dealing with points, we surely have a headache as we never know how the edb would set up the points .Maybe they set up because of time, price, location in the source. Yet, we always treat them as useless points and ignore them . But Melody Tam allow us to catch up these points to ensure the score in the content points. This is surely amazing.

  22. Useful course !


    Personally i think this course is very helpful, even though i think my English is fine i still struggles in finding the content points as our school don’t spend much time teaching us how to locate content pts in the data file. Melody’s course showcases the strategies we can employ to spot our the content pts. Through this course i learnt how to identify the potential content pts and know how to stay away from the traps set by the paper setters in DSE. I highly recommend you to try if you also think you need a helping hand in finding the content points.

  23. Paper 3 詳細解釋左點做


    由聆聽資料jot points 到 data file 找points 都詳細示範做咗一次;非常清晰,學到好多技巧!

  24. 課程十分有用


    課程內容簡而精 , 用練習和例子講解更加容易明白理解, 全方位地分析卷三

  25. 好後悔太遲買




Course Reviews

  • 英文補底救星:極速記憶生詞教學 (5小時)

    我對vocab 極速記憶教學的評語 5

    這個課程真的好有用,Melody 教了好多常見的英文字頭,字根和字尾的意思,幫助我做閲讀卷時看到陌生的詞語也可以㺓到它的意思,盡量拿高分!
  • HKDSE中文:論說文急救精讀 (2小時)

    例子十分多元化 5

    Carmen Wong1001
  • HKDSE中文:必備全卷精讀攻略 (2.5小時)

    這個課程非常有用! 4

  • HKDSE英文:5**議論文必殺皇牌精讀 (6小時)

    Perfect! 5

    It's such a useful video and notes. My writing skills increase a lot. She teaches useful vocab and well-planned writing structure. However, I think the color of highlighting can be lighter. It’s difficult to read the words. Generally speaking, it’s still a great notes!
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